Sunrise to Serenity #1

by Glenn Marshall
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 16.000 inches
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Sunrise to Serenity #1
Glenn Marshall
Painting - Watercolour
It is interesting to compare this early painting of Skipwith Common with the two I did last year – “Signs of Spring” and “Last Light over Skipwith Marshes” – which also feature in the current ‘Three Journeys’ Exhibition. This is a lot more detailed with the emphasis on painting what was in front of me rather than simply interpreting the scene. I did a very detailed sketch on site for this but played around with the light a bit. That was my only deviation from reality. I was very interested in the relationship between reflections and shadows and managed to capture the difference very clearly with the two trees on the left which gives that extra touch of reality to the painting. Not a bad attempt and you can also distinguish between the Scots pine and silver birch trees. I reckon I could quite easily find this spot again just by using this painting…unless the trees have fallen down!
July 27th, 2015
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