Tunnel of Trees on Woldgate
by Glenn Marshall
Buy the Original Painting
20.000 x 16.000 inches
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Tunnel of Trees on Woldgate
Glenn Marshall
Painting - Watercolour
In spring 2004 I was left in charge of the Rudston art centre while Tony and the rest of the gang went to Venice. I lived in York at the time and used to vary my way home to relieve the monotony of the long drive. One evening I noticed a tunnel of trees just outside Leavening and went back the very next day to sketch and photograph it for reference. When the others came back from Venice my subsequent painting made quite an impression. Since then they have all done their own ‘tunnel of trees’ and some very fine paintings indeed… but I was the first! David Hockney featured this particular leafy lane and its tunnel in his fantastic “Bigger Picture” solo exhibition at the RA and you can see why – an absolute joy to paint with those long spring evening shadows.
October 16th, 2014
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