Furrows and Gulls
by Glenn Marshall
Buy the Original Painting
15.000 x 11.000 inches
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Furrows and Gulls
Glenn Marshall
Painting - Watercolour
For today’s excursion, join me on a trip to Flamborough. Flamborough is a thriving village on Yorkshire’s east coast. It is perhaps more well known for its iconic lighthouse on Flamborough Head. This is a slightly more unconventional view from the coastal path. Here I looked inland and saw this timeless pastoral scene of a farmer ploughing his field. Methods may have altered over the ages but I’m sure that gulls always followed the plough. I painted this from a sketch I did on the 14th September 2004. I have several sketches from that time so we must have been staying at the coast for a few days. I did have a try at painting it at the time, but it didn’t turn out right. I always promised myself another stab at it so here it is – better late than never! I know it sounds like a firm of solicitors, but I have called it ‘Furrows and Gulls’ as that is the title on the original sketch.
April 4th, 2020